I won’t name the retailer using this image on their homepage, but YEEGADS 😮
The most important advice for clients is this:Â
If you’re spending all that money on a photoshoot, make sure you spend as generously on the post-production.
A lot can be done in post-production Photoshop to save an image if the color is off, the lighting went wrong, or the clothes are wrinkled. A good retoucher with retail experience knows how far to take an image while maintaining the integrity. But there are bad retouchers who can destroy all the hard work that goes into a shoot with a few clicks.Â
As seen here:
Lady In Red is sitting… on thin air. They removed her stool.
There must’ve been a shadow to the left. It’s blue, white, and ghostly. WTH?
Lady In Blue has a pointed shoulder blade and abnormal waist. Somebody went all Barbie on her.
We won’t even discuss Lady In Red’s expression. Caught at the wrong moment by the camera… Really, there wasn’t a better shot to choose from?
Every model’s nightmare. How did this get approved??? Epic Fail!